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Q: How many copies and records are usually sold of a hit song?

A: On the average, about 500,000 copies and the same number of records, more or less, depending on the song's popularity.

Q: What type of songs would have the best chance of being published?
A: Country and Western, folk, various forms of rock, soul, ballads, sacred, patriotic.

Q: Which is more important, the words or music?
A: Both, but especially the melody and the title.

Q: If I write only words, how can I get good music for my song?
A: We are the largest and foremost organization of professional music composers, arrangers and recorders in the United States. If your words have a good idea, we will dress it up, revive it if necessary, compose a beautiful melody and give you a completed professional song.

Q: How can I get my song on a record?
A: We operate our own recording studio and have facilities for making all kinds of records in all quantities from 1 to 100,000. We have a complete staff of top musicians and singers.

Q: Will it help my song if I make it popular in my own home town?
A: Absolutely. Many songs got started in a small town and then spread over the whole country.

Q: What is a lead sheet?
A: A lead sheet is a manuscript containing the words and single melody notes, without piano accompaniment.

Q: If I send my song poems (lyrics) to you will I get an honest opinion as to whether they are worthy of musical setting?
A: Yes. Any lyrics that we consider unsuitable, we reject and return to the author, together with our criticism and suggestions for improvement.

Q: Do I have to pay for this criticism and suggestion?
A: No. It is absolutely free.

Q: Will my song poems be returned to me if I so request?
A: Yes. Send self-addressed, stamped envelope.

Q: Does a lyric or poem have to be perfect and professional before submitting it?
A: No. If it has at least an idea for a song, we are interested.

Q: Should my song be copyrighted?
A: Yes.

Q: How many copies and records are usually sold of a hit song?
A: On the average, about 500,000 copies and the same number of records, more or less, depending on the song's popularity.

Q: Should the title appear in the words of a song?
A: Yes. At least once.

Q: How long should a song be?
A: This usually depends upon the type of melody that is composed for the song. The average song should contain sixteen short lines or eight long lines. In any case, after we see it, we will make proper suggestions.

Q: If I send my song poems to you, what protection do I have that they will not be used without my permission?
A: We absolutely guarantee that your songs remain your own property. Correspondence between us is strictly confidential. Your song poems will be returned to you on request. If we complete a song for you, we can obtain the copyright in your name.

Q: If I have my own melody in mind, but can't put the notes down, what should I do?
A: Just sing it on a tape and send it to us and we will write your melody down for you.

Q: How many song poems may I submit?
A: As many as you wish. Whether you send one or more, all will receive the same attention.

Q: What is a record "pressing"?
A: A "pressing" is a regular commercial record such as are sold in stores.

Q: Is it possible for a new writer to succeed in songwriting?
A: Yes. Many popular hits are by new writers whose first attempt was a success.

Q: Will I have to pay to have my song published?
A: No. When a publisher accepts a song for publication, he assumes all the expense and pays the author a royalty on every copy sold.

Q: Do many people writes songs as a hobby?
A: Yes. It is considered a fascinating, intelligent, worthwhile and sometimes a profitable hobby. We have dealt with doctors, lawyers, clergymen, housewives, students, business men, workmen, school teachers who write songs as a hobby.

Q: Can such a hobby become profitable?
A: Every successful songwriter began by writing songs as a hobby. When their first song became a hit, their hobby turned into a profitable profession. Many have earned over $50,000 from one song.

Q: What is A.S.C.A.P.?
A: It is a performance rights society. It collects royalties for performances of songs written and published by its members. A.S.C.A.P. does not publish songs. Do not send songs to A.S.C.A.P.

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