Note: George Liberace, the violin-playing sidekick and older brother of the more famous "Lee" Liberace, served as the compensated figurehead of a song-poem company that bore his name. Formed in the early 1960s, the company's fuller name at first alternated between George Liberace Music and George Liberace Songsmiths, before finally settling on the latter. When the upstart MSR Records bought out George Liberace Songsmiths in the middle 1960s, they continued to use the George Liberace name as their production-arm front, invoking it in their ads and brochures as an additional hook for unwitting customers, until their demise nearly 20 years later. As in the ad shown at left, the word "George" was usually set in much smaller type than "Liberace," to nudge potential customers towards the further delusion that their song would be performed by the swishy, popular piano player.
MSR, like most song-poem companies, offered several tiers of service. Their most basic product was a small-combo recording of the customer's song, cut onto an acetate demo record produced in a quantity of one, or, at most, two copies. The customer would then be solicited to have the song fleshed out with a fuller band sound featuring instrumental and backing vocal overdubs -- for an additional fee. The suggestion, in marked contrast to the demo the customer had just received, was that this next version would be a "real" record, and released on a "real" record label. They were, in fact, pressed on vinyl and "mass"-produced, usually in a run of 100 or so. The fact that MSR, the label on which the record was "released" (i.e., mailed back to the customer), was owned by the same company as had produced their demo was not revealed to the customer, and so he or she was led to believe they'd snagged a contract with a legitimate label. Thus, the company would get the customer to belly up twice for the same record.
However, only a minority of customers would take the second bite, most others being unconvinced by the meager results of the original session. The George Liberace/MSR empire therefore apparently manufactured many more acetate demos than they did vinyl records, although the respective press runs makes the acetates more difficult to locate. Also, alternatively to the situation described above, many demo sessions were released as tracks on vinyl compilation albums, rather than as acetates.
No artist is named on most of the following, presumably because the customer was expected to think it was George Liberace and orchestra performing on them. In fact, as he was considered by his peers to "the worst violinist in the world," George was usually disinvited to his own sessions, brought in only when a customer specifically requested it.
-- Singles --
All of the following albums are on the George Liberace Songsmiths label. Front and back covers were identical on all releases, with the song titles and song-poet names rubber-stamped onto the labels. The back cover featured excellent liner notes and photos of George with various entertainment celebrities.
120: (no artist named) -- New Songs For Tomorrow
122: (no artist named) -- New Songs For Tomorrow
125: (no artist named) -- New Songs For Tomorrow
140: (no artist named) -- New Songs For Tomorrow
Discography ©2004 Phil Milstein
George Liberace Music, unnumbered acetate: (no artist named) -- United We Shall Stand / Beyond The Great Divide (both wr. William R. Meinke)
George Liberace Songsmiths, unnumbered acetate: Jan Merlin -- There's A Light In The Sky (Marjorie E. Witte)
George Liberace, unnumbered acetate: artist unknown -- Darling Come With Me Tonight (Dorothy Johnson)
George Liberace Songsmiths 122: (no artist named) -- Little Darling (Marie Rampone) / Santa's Mommy Must Have Had Quintuplets (Clate Hazelwood)
George Liberace, number unknown: artist unknown -- Befiddled, Befuddled (Magdalen Fahl) (1972)
George Liberace Recording, number unknown: artist unknown -- It's Love Night Tonight (George Eurcho) (1979)
-- Albums --
Anytime's The Right Time For Love (Leona Abel)
I Promise You My Love (Mary Patton)
Continental Polka (Anthony F. Notti)
Time And Again (Leona Abel)
You Bewitched My Heart (John Guidas)
Bells In Companarios (M. E. Willison)
Georgie, Porgie, Music Man (Mary M. Miller)
Baby I'm In Love With You (Leona Abel)
You're Telling Me (Leona Abel)
Since You Went Away (Effie T. Garner)
A Wedding Veil (Lynn Ashton)
A Royal Treat (Jim L. Anderson)
It's Too Good To Be True (J. Sorelli)
If My Tears Could Bring You Back (Dorothy LaPelle)
Cross My Little Heart (G. Motyka)
Pop-Corn Polka (Edward B. Rusen)
It Seems So Strange (Check Lanning)
Leave That Old Moon Alone (O. Foutz)
Because He Loves Me So (Jessie Green)
Hold Me By The Hand (O. G. Smith)
The Blue Wash Lullaby (F. E. Burd)
Nothing Seems Right (Fred T. Quinn)
Saturday (Jean Juline)
Some Other Night (M. Schmeller)
You Crept Into My Lonely Heart (Florence Combs)
Near You (Alan Peron)
Our Magic Lantern (Lloyd Andrada)
Casanova Me (R. K. Strosky)
The Place To See, L.A. For Me (Austin H. Gil)
Busy Baby Fingers (P. Cleave)
Daddy (F. Case)
And You Were Not Away (B. Spesheck)
Lonely Autumn (W. J. Ruf)
Melancholy Rain (T. McKay)
Vegas (H. T. Hubbard)
Christmas Time (M. Santomauro)
I Love You More And More (W. H. Bowersock)
With God's Blessing (T. Conlon)
I've Placed Your Picture In My Heart (S. Colvard)
San Diego, Calif., Moon (J. A. Gomez)
You're My Idea Of Heaven (E. Zimmerman)
Today, Yesterday, Tomorrow (F. C. Grant)
My Valentine (D. M. Neil)
Don't Let The Moon Guide Your Heart (A. G. Mohr)
Cathy's Coo Coo Candy Cane (H. L. Moore)
You Came To Me (D. Bradley)
Neapolitan Nights (A. W. Boren)
Fateful Love (O. W. Neil)
Love, What Is It? (P. R. Schaak)
In Spring (S. Pieromarchi)
Down Texas Way (C. L. Baker)
Rapunzel (M. Powell)
Contrary (M. B. Van Zandt)
There's A Light By The River (A. E. Muckley)
Let God Come First (T. M. Carter)
Christmas Bell Chimes (M. R. Millington)
I Gave You A Chance (G. Bienvenu)
Where Hearts Are Gay (M. Patton)
You'll Be Back (W. P. Holt)
It's Christmas Time (E. S. Galla)
I Was Searching For A Sweetheart (D. D. Devine)
Tomorrow (B. B. Wagner)
I'm Just A Clown (C. L. Sewell)
81625: (no artist named) -- New Songs For Tomorrow
Warm Winter (William G. Rowsell)
Lilacs In The Rain (Kay Glenn-G.L.S.I.)
You And Your Big Ideas (Lucia Pamela-Kenneth F. Irwin)
I Want To Hear Some Jazz (Leona Abel)
Love's A Wondrous Thing (Howdie Smith)
Gethsemane (Elizabeth Horton)
In Love, In Love (Kenneth F. Irwin-Lucia Pamela)
Fifty-Five Miles From Memphis (Leona Abel)
This Must Be Love (Ethel C. Hager)
Blue My Tomorrow (Rita C. Cordell)
But A Dream (Geza Domokos)
Salty Teardrops (Jacqueline McCaslin)
back cover autographed:
MSR ||
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Western Hills